Card games in Syria

The standard 52 card pack is used for 41 - a plain-trick game for four players in partnership with hearts as a permanent trump suit.

Trex (also known as Tricks or Trix) is a compendium game in which the five contracts are No Tricks, No Queens, No Diamonds, No King of Hearts and Dominoes from the Jack.

Banakil is an 18-card double deck Rummy game in which twos and jokers are wild.

Oochlee is played by the Christian minority community in north Syria. It is a point trick game for six players (two teams of three) using a 48 card pack made by removing the fours from a standard 52 cards pack. The cards in each suit rank 3-A-2-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5; the threes are worth three points, and the twos and aces one point each. Three cards are dealt to each player, and replacement cards are drawn from the stock after each trick.

There is a Syrian version of the children's game War in which cards are played alternately to a single play pile.

Buying-Selling is a children's game related to the Jordanian and Egyptian game Money in which the pile is captured by playing an equal cards and picture cards can be used to buy cards.

This page is maintained by John McLeod (   © John McLeod, 2001, 2006, 2018. Last updated: 24th December 2022
